Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Eating disorders

Eating Disorders Can Strike Any One
By Emmanuel Delgado
Eating disorders are developed many ways, and should not be abused.

Eating disorders happen for several reasons. There are many types of eating disorders, some such as anorexia, Bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder. Eating disorders are failures of behavioral reasons. Eating disorders can begin as early as age 5. Even some athletes and models have eating disorders.
Anorexia is one of the most common eating disorders. A person who is anorexic starves himself or herself to not to gain weight. People may become anorexic because they feel that they are overweight and they want to lose weight fast. People may make fun of anorexic people who take it serious, and don’t eat at all. When anorexic people take it seriously and refuse help they can develop a serious problem. “The individuals are usually pressured by family members, friends, or co-workers to seek, and do often do so with reluctance and resentment,” according to Joel Yeager of Anorexics Often Refuse Treatment. This means that when other people tease people who are fat and say, “You are never going to lose weight” this causes them try to find some cure and they choose to be anorexic. People who refuse the help and can’t find another way to fix their problem, may increase chances of suicide.
“Bulimia Nervosa, is when a person with bulimia eats a lot of food in a short amount of time and either throws up to prevent weight gain or take pills to not gain weight. And in Bulimia there are several reasons why people get it: culture, families, life changes or stressful events, personality traits, biology,” according to U.S. Department of Health and Human services. It is important to know bout these so you can be aware.
“Bulimia has many side effects both Physical and Psychological. Physical may include, esophageal problems, vocal chord damage, stomach ulcers, osteoporosis, hair loss, digestive problems, decreased body temperature, irregular heart beat, elimination problems, damage, organ damage, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, enlarged salivary glands, dry skin, decreased bone density, menstrual dysfunction, hormone irregularities, insomnia, low red blood cell levels, weak muscles, immune system damage. The physiological may include, out of control feelings, mood changes, avoidance of others, constantly thinking about food, depression, anxiety, unable to eat with others, Poor body-image,” according to Eating Disorders Treatment Center. If a person have one of the side effects it is best to inform a doctor or some one who can help.
Binge eating is different from anorexia and bulimic nervosa. People with a binge eating disorder eat large amounts of food on a regular basis. They eat fast and do other things while eating, like watch television, and don't stop eating when they're full. People who binge eat are usually overweight, even obese because they eat more than they are supposed to. As a result, they may feel bad about themselves and about their bodies, people who normally binge eat end up with Diabetes. Thinking that eating more can stop the stress, but it only becomes worse.
When have an eating disorder advise a doctor or any one that can help. Anyone can develop an eating disorder. Some eating disorders can develop because they do not feel good about them selves. When having an eating disorder it is best to change the ways of eating. Starting by eating an easy meal and exercising right.

1 comment:

  1. Your story was very well constructed you informed me as a reader about the problems a person could face if they don’t get treated properly. I really felt the description of bulimia it is very well constructed. It really gave me the touch of what bulimia could do. My aunt suffers from anorexia she weights no more than 90 pounds and she just cant see her self in the mirror because she feels overweight. Every time she looks at the mirror she feels there is a change in her look. I am impressed on how you constructed your last paragraph on Binge eating and I felt fascinated the way you describe how binge eating affects a person.
