Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Books Among Teens
By Diego Munoz and Emmanuel Delgado
Teens at all age should at least read 30 minutes a day to perform better academically and discover what makes a good author.
Books are important to school and education. A student is required to read at least 30 minutes a day to become proficient in English. Some good writer and their books have left their mark on some students.
Cesar Munoz a sophomore at South East High School said, “My favorite author is Wilson Rawls. I have been fascinated by his writing techniques. Where The Red Fern Grows is a book I read and I was fascinated by his writing style.”
In most English classes teachers assign students to read a book and make summaries. Books were created for school use and sometimes to get informed about famous people, without books education wouldn’t be as fun. Munoz said, “I don’t like to read books, but when it comes to education they do make up a big role.” When a student reads more it should be easier for them to perform better on any test.
Reading can give students great advantages, including scoring proficient in the CST (California Standardized Test). Yesenia Martinez a soft more at SEHS, said, “Reading helps a lot in the English section of the CST.” On the CST there is an English section and there are some words that many people have problems understanding. Several books may have the words that come out in the CST. Martinez said, “I see many people struggle with the English part of the CST. Students should read more books if they want to score better in the CST. Students should read more books if they want to score better in the CST.”
Reading is important in order to stay at the appropriate reading grade level. In English class reading is what the teacher recommend for student to do better in class. Martinez said, “It is important for students to practice reading not only is it fun, but makes you smarter.”
Teachers recommend reading every day for thirty minutes. “Reading every day is possible, it maybe doesn’t have to be books anything to read is fine.” Martinez said. In many English classes teachers assign books to students to read on their own time and it becomes the reader’s responsibility.
Many students read books because they just love it. Evangelica Juarez, a junior at SEHS, said, “I read about 7 books per year. I like reading when I have spare time.” Many teachers encourage students to read books to improve vocabulary. Juarez said, “I think reading books helps me a lot because I perform better on my vocabulary [tests].”
Many authors write for teens. Juarez said, “My favorite author is Edgar Allen Poe because the way he writes is very unique. I like his stories and poems.”Among teens there is always a book that is read the most. Munoz said, “[Among] students in [our] school I hear that people seem to like Twighlight by Stephenie Meyer.” Some people do read books over and over .Martinez said, “I have read To Kill A Mocking Bird by Harper Lee more than 3 times and I think it is still fascinating.”
For some people books will always be the step to success academically. Juarez said, “For me there is no doubt that books will be the step for the next generation to succeed.” In other hand Martinez said, “Books are sometimes helpful but I think the internet is going to be the next big thing for students to succeed.”

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Eating disorders

Eating Disorders Can Strike Any One
By Emmanuel Delgado
Eating disorders are developed many ways, and should not be abused.

Eating disorders happen for several reasons. There are many types of eating disorders, some such as anorexia, Bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder. Eating disorders are failures of behavioral reasons. Eating disorders can begin as early as age 5. Even some athletes and models have eating disorders.
Anorexia is one of the most common eating disorders. A person who is anorexic starves himself or herself to not to gain weight. People may become anorexic because they feel that they are overweight and they want to lose weight fast. People may make fun of anorexic people who take it serious, and don’t eat at all. When anorexic people take it seriously and refuse help they can develop a serious problem. “The individuals are usually pressured by family members, friends, or co-workers to seek, and do often do so with reluctance and resentment,” according to Joel Yeager of Anorexics Often Refuse Treatment. This means that when other people tease people who are fat and say, “You are never going to lose weight” this causes them try to find some cure and they choose to be anorexic. People who refuse the help and can’t find another way to fix their problem, may increase chances of suicide.
“Bulimia Nervosa, is when a person with bulimia eats a lot of food in a short amount of time and either throws up to prevent weight gain or take pills to not gain weight. And in Bulimia there are several reasons why people get it: culture, families, life changes or stressful events, personality traits, biology,” according to U.S. Department of Health and Human services. It is important to know bout these so you can be aware.
“Bulimia has many side effects both Physical and Psychological. Physical may include, esophageal problems, vocal chord damage, stomach ulcers, osteoporosis, hair loss, digestive problems, decreased body temperature, irregular heart beat, elimination problems, damage, organ damage, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, enlarged salivary glands, dry skin, decreased bone density, menstrual dysfunction, hormone irregularities, insomnia, low red blood cell levels, weak muscles, immune system damage. The physiological may include, out of control feelings, mood changes, avoidance of others, constantly thinking about food, depression, anxiety, unable to eat with others, Poor body-image,” according to Eating Disorders Treatment Center. If a person have one of the side effects it is best to inform a doctor or some one who can help.
Binge eating is different from anorexia and bulimic nervosa. People with a binge eating disorder eat large amounts of food on a regular basis. They eat fast and do other things while eating, like watch television, and don't stop eating when they're full. People who binge eat are usually overweight, even obese because they eat more than they are supposed to. As a result, they may feel bad about themselves and about their bodies, people who normally binge eat end up with Diabetes. Thinking that eating more can stop the stress, but it only becomes worse.
When have an eating disorder advise a doctor or any one that can help. Anyone can develop an eating disorder. Some eating disorders can develop because they do not feel good about them selves. When having an eating disorder it is best to change the ways of eating. Starting by eating an easy meal and exercising right.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

South East Cheerleaders Bring it o

by:Emmanuel Delgado

Southeast cheerleaders have the spirit, but do you have spirit for the Jaguar pride.

            When it comes to school spirit cheering for our teams, Cheerleaders are here to bring out the cheering on with the crowd. In our school, spirit should be our number one priority besides going to class and getting good grades. Our cheerleaders show spirit but do they really have what it takes to show the Jaguar Pride?  South East J.V. Cheerleading  Captain Araceli Delgado said,” I have a lot of spirit, I love to show my spirit by cheering our football team in rough times and making the crowd go crazy by screaming.” J.V. Cheerleader Brianna Jackson said “We show school spirit when we say cheers or chants to cheer our team, when we say a cheer for the school we mention our schools name.”

            “I don’t think people look at us during the game until we do stunts, we are the school spirit we cheerleaders are the ones who encourage the people to cheer our team.” Jackson said. Students go are thrilled when they hear they will be playing S.E.H.S rivals. The S.E.H.S cheerleaders stayed practicing until 7 p.m. just so they can be prepared for the upcoming game. Delgado said “I help my teammates be becoming better by practicing their movements and stunts. Also making them stretch and exercise so they can be in shape to have high jumps. This helps me show my spirit and love to my school.” They practiced their routine’s to show all their energy and spirit, during the visiting game at South Gate High School on November the 6, 2009. Even if that meant bruising, headaches, and staying up late they did their best in the game. This shows a lot of commitment to the school.

            Many students in school are embarrassed to show school spirit but if the cheerleader’s wont show the spirit who else will? Students often say “school is boring” but they only make it worse by not showing our “funky”, crazy Jaguar Pride. This is what school is all about; it is 4 years of high school at least make it the most memorable years. So why not do the crazy hair other people do to show our school spirit.


Friday, October 30, 2009

Code of Ethics
  • Preamble- us a journalists respect the rules of journalism. We know whats is right and what is wrong. We write the truth and only the truth. We can be trusted no matter what.
  • Credibility-you're credibility is important to us. You're credibility towards us will never change because we are right 100% of the time, because we got facts.
  • Accuracy- Our accuracy is 100%, 100% of the time. our accuracy is our best skill. We hear it right and we write it right.
  • Objectivity-Wer always respect other people and their comments. We care about our readers feelings no matter what
  • Plagiarism-We do not copy other peoples work. Plagirarism is on our mumber one not to do list.
  • The truth-We publish nothing but the truth, and no lies.
  • The best- We are the best because of our ethics

The Mechanic work man(G.O.S.S)

Diego Munoz is a student at South East High School has been always wanting to be a mechanic when he grows up ,this is my interview

Diego Munoz has been always been wanting to be a mechanic when he was small. Being a mechanic was one of Diego's goals. The way that he is going to prepare to be a mechanic is is by studying really hard and doing the best to get the best grades he can possibly get. One of the solutions that he is planing is to go to college and study a lot. One of his plans is after he is finished with all of school he going to open a shop. "Diego said opening the shop is going to be difficult in the process."

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A fare well to summer
By; Emmanuel Delgado
Say hello to the new school year and it ahs been a good one. Many people went to different places and had a great time. One place that a fellow student at Southeast High School went to was Castaic Lake. There of might not have any friends but some times family is all that you need. Parents work and stay home and sleep, but now the family wanted to have fun for a change. In this past summer what a great idea to go to a river and a lake to get your mind off the hotness in the air. Many people went to the lake and the lake was free to swim in. In the whole 3 month vacation that they had they stayed 3 days camping. In the time that they spent over there they went on motor cycles that can go on water. On those thee days of camping they slept on an RV. Thorough the 3 day camping trip they had tacos to eat.