Wednesday, November 25, 2009

South East Cheerleaders Bring it o

by:Emmanuel Delgado

Southeast cheerleaders have the spirit, but do you have spirit for the Jaguar pride.

            When it comes to school spirit cheering for our teams, Cheerleaders are here to bring out the cheering on with the crowd. In our school, spirit should be our number one priority besides going to class and getting good grades. Our cheerleaders show spirit but do they really have what it takes to show the Jaguar Pride?  South East J.V. Cheerleading  Captain Araceli Delgado said,” I have a lot of spirit, I love to show my spirit by cheering our football team in rough times and making the crowd go crazy by screaming.” J.V. Cheerleader Brianna Jackson said “We show school spirit when we say cheers or chants to cheer our team, when we say a cheer for the school we mention our schools name.”

            “I don’t think people look at us during the game until we do stunts, we are the school spirit we cheerleaders are the ones who encourage the people to cheer our team.” Jackson said. Students go are thrilled when they hear they will be playing S.E.H.S rivals. The S.E.H.S cheerleaders stayed practicing until 7 p.m. just so they can be prepared for the upcoming game. Delgado said “I help my teammates be becoming better by practicing their movements and stunts. Also making them stretch and exercise so they can be in shape to have high jumps. This helps me show my spirit and love to my school.” They practiced their routine’s to show all their energy and spirit, during the visiting game at South Gate High School on November the 6, 2009. Even if that meant bruising, headaches, and staying up late they did their best in the game. This shows a lot of commitment to the school.

            Many students in school are embarrassed to show school spirit but if the cheerleader’s wont show the spirit who else will? Students often say “school is boring” but they only make it worse by not showing our “funky”, crazy Jaguar Pride. This is what school is all about; it is 4 years of high school at least make it the most memorable years. So why not do the crazy hair other people do to show our school spirit.