Friday, October 30, 2009

Code of Ethics
  • Preamble- us a journalists respect the rules of journalism. We know whats is right and what is wrong. We write the truth and only the truth. We can be trusted no matter what.
  • Credibility-you're credibility is important to us. You're credibility towards us will never change because we are right 100% of the time, because we got facts.
  • Accuracy- Our accuracy is 100%, 100% of the time. our accuracy is our best skill. We hear it right and we write it right.
  • Objectivity-Wer always respect other people and their comments. We care about our readers feelings no matter what
  • Plagiarism-We do not copy other peoples work. Plagirarism is on our mumber one not to do list.
  • The truth-We publish nothing but the truth, and no lies.
  • The best- We are the best because of our ethics

The Mechanic work man(G.O.S.S)

Diego Munoz is a student at South East High School has been always wanting to be a mechanic when he grows up ,this is my interview

Diego Munoz has been always been wanting to be a mechanic when he was small. Being a mechanic was one of Diego's goals. The way that he is going to prepare to be a mechanic is is by studying really hard and doing the best to get the best grades he can possibly get. One of the solutions that he is planing is to go to college and study a lot. One of his plans is after he is finished with all of school he going to open a shop. "Diego said opening the shop is going to be difficult in the process."

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A fare well to summer
By; Emmanuel Delgado
Say hello to the new school year and it ahs been a good one. Many people went to different places and had a great time. One place that a fellow student at Southeast High School went to was Castaic Lake. There of might not have any friends but some times family is all that you need. Parents work and stay home and sleep, but now the family wanted to have fun for a change. In this past summer what a great idea to go to a river and a lake to get your mind off the hotness in the air. Many people went to the lake and the lake was free to swim in. In the whole 3 month vacation that they had they stayed 3 days camping. In the time that they spent over there they went on motor cycles that can go on water. On those thee days of camping they slept on an RV. Thorough the 3 day camping trip they had tacos to eat.